CGT changed for mining and resources industry

The Australian government has announced changes relating to the definition of Taxable Australian Real Property. The new definition will include intangible assets that are connected to rights to mine, quarry or prospect for natural resources and goodwill. As a result, foreign tax residents are now required to pay capital gains tax on disposal of these mining related intangible assets which they were not liable to pay before. 

If you would like to learn more about how these changes will effect you, contact us at




l  在确定澳大利亚应税不动产的价值时,与采矿,采石或自然资源信息相关的无形资产和商誉将会被列入澳大利亚应税不动产的价值计算中


此次资本利得税的法律修改也表明了澳洲政府不同意联邦法院在相关资本利得税方面的裁决。在最近Resources Capital Fund III LP v Commissioner of Taxation的审判过程中,联邦法院裁定,海外纳税居民不需要承担任何上市矿业公司股份的资本利得税,其中包括“采矿信息的价值”因为该无形资产不被列为矿业资产。为了填补这个漏洞,澳洲政府在今年的财政预算中明确了自己的态度并宣布从宣布当日次日起开始执行新的“主要资产测试”。

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About Author

Stephanie Liu
Stephanie Liu

Stephanie is a qualified chartered accountant with extensive experience in the accounting and finance industries, both in Australia and in China. Stephanie has an Advanced Diploma of International Taxation, a master of commerce in international business, accounting and business law, and is qualified Chartered Accountant.

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