COVID ALERT ~ JobSaver applications now open


Eligible businesses and not-for-profit organisations will receive fortnightly payments backdated to cover costs incurred from week 4 of the Greater Sydney lockdown (from 18 July 2021 onwards). The 2021 Covid Business Grant covers the first three weeks of the Greater Sydney lockdown. 

are open from 26 July 2021 and will close at 11:59pm on 18 October 2021.
Eligible businesses and not-for-profit organisations with employees will receive the equivalent of up to 40% of Weekly Payroll for work performed in New South Wales provided:

  • The minimum payment will be $1,500 per week, and
  • The maximum payment will be $100,000 per week (an increase from previously announced $10,000).

Eligible businesses and not-for-profit organisations that do NOT have any employees will receive $1,000 per week.

Eligibility rules
Businesses and not-for-profit organisations impacted by the Public Health Order will be eligible if:

  • They have an ABNand were operating in NSW on 1 June 2021
  • Annual turnover between $75K and $250M (an increase from the previously announced $50M)
  • No wages cap (Note: this changed from NSW Covid Grant) 
  • They experienced a decline in turnover of 30% or more due to the Public Health Order over a minimum 2-week period within the Greater Sydney lockdown (commenced 26 June until the end of the lockdown), compared to the same period in 2019 (Note: this period is different to NSW Covid Grant) 
  • Must maintain their employee headcount as at 13 July 2021 for the period for which the business is receiving payments under the scheme
  • Businesses 'primarily earning passive income''g. rent, interest, dividends are specifically excluded from this scheme (see schedule in the guidelines).

You can apply via Service NSW website. 

If already assessed as eligible for NSW Covid Business Grant – you don't need to re-apply in full,
just do additional disclosures around headcount and payroll amount.

Supporting Evidence
For those on 'Highly Impacted Industries' List – no accountant letter is required.

For all others, accountant letter is required. If accountant letter already provided for NSW Covid Business Grant, the same letter can be reattached.

Service NSW can request a combination of the following documents to support its determination of eligibility: 

  • accountant's letter
  • prior Business Activity Statements 
  • income tax declarations 
  • audited profit and loss statements 
  • receipts and invoices from purchases 
  • NSW payroll tax reconciliation returns.

Provide evidence of weekly payroll:
for businesses that submit BAS with a W1 amount (wages and salaries) recorded, their most recent BAS that was submitted to the ATO prior to 26 June 2021 within the 2021 financial year (or other info on application to Service NSW if not available).

  • "Wages" are defined as W1 from a BAS other than payments to contractors under voluntary withholding agreements. This includes all payments subject to PAYG – i.e. salary, allowances, director fees, some termination payments, but not super or salary sacrifice amounts.
  • "Normally" based on the last FY2021 BAS lodged before 26 June 2021 – i.e. March 2021 quarter BAS.

There are several circumstances where a business may not meet the eligibility criteria and supporting evidence requirements, but still may be eligible for JobSaver. Businesses in these circumstances should contact Service NSW to determine if an alternate comparison period, or alternative supporting evidence, can be applied.

Businesses requiring assistance with their online application can contact Service NSW on 13 77 88.

This information is accurate on the day it’s published and is subject to change as the situation around Coronavirus (COVID-19) evolves. Our conclusions may not be valid if there is any change in those facts, circumstances and assumptions.  Accordingly, neither Azure Group Pty Ltd nor any member or employee of Azure Group, undertakes responsibility arising in any way whatsoever to any persons in respect of this alert or any error or omissions herein, arising through negligence or otherwise howsoever caused.

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Azure Group
Azure Group

Azure Group is the leading Chartered Accounting, Business Advisory and Strategic Advisory firm supporting the growth & success of fast growing entrepreneurial businesses.

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