Why it might be time to engage a CFO


There is a common misconception out there that a Chief Financial Officer (CFO) is a role only available to the large corporate. However, if you continue to hold this view you could be doing your business a critical injustice. Having the commercial guidance that a CFO can provide to get your business from where you are now to where you want to be is one of the best investments a business owner can make. Nowadays the CFO offering is incredibly flexible and affordable with options ranging from a full time CFO right through to a Virtual CFO solution.

What to do

Firstly, you need to ask yourself whether your business needs the following:

  • More financial expertise to help you boost performance
  • More accurate financial figures
  • Advice on how to get your business to the next level
  • Strategic business advice and guidance
  • Help to implement better financial systems and processes
  • Help to manage your business’ growth and ensure you maintain healthy cash flow
  • Advice and support to undertake a business critical project

Whilst your accountant may be providing sound tax advice and ensuring you are compliance-ready, most SMEs do require a more sophisticated level of advice.

It can be foreign territory engaging such services so it is a wise idea to have a better understanding of what a CFO would start to implement in your business if you decide to go down this path.....

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About Author

Michael Derin
Michael Derin

Michael Derin, Azure Group's Founding Partner and Chairman has over 28 years’ experience as a qualified Chartered Accountant within the business and commercial sectors. Michael works across our Technology, Corporate Advisory and CFO operations, managing highly complex projects to success.

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