Why it's time to Outsource Payroll


Outsourcing Payroll

It’s no surprise that outsourcing payroll is becoming more common across a multitude of industries. If you have staff, then you have payroll. If you have great staff then you know that the most important thing you can do is to make sure that they are paid, accurately and on time.

Nothing makes an employee disgruntled more than their pay being wrong. They come to work every day, they service you and your customers to the best of their ability, they are dedicated and committed and the one thing that they ask in return is that you get their payroll right.

So, if payroll is not something that comes naturally, and if it is not someone’s full time job, then it may be best to consider payroll outsourcing services for your business.

A Guide to Outsourcing your Accounting and Payroll

Here are our top 3 reasons that you should start outsourcing your payroll:

1. Outsourcing payroll gives you peace of mind

When you are running a business there are 101 things to focus on and consider. Payroll Management is a function not related to your products or services and doesn’t affect your customers. Therefore, engaging an outsourced payroll service provider is easy, it won’t impact your business operations and will provide you with peace of mind that your Payroll Management is taken care of, so that you can focus on the other areas of the business.

2. Payroll outsourcing services ensure that all compliance obligations are adhered to

The world of Payroll Management is complicated - there are award rates, payroll tax, national payroll employee standards and Fair Work to consider. Not to mention Single Touch Payroll and super reporting. By outsourcing payroll, you can breathe a sigh of relief that you stay on top of these payroll obligations and that your outsourced payroll provider will ensure that everyone is being looked after.

Related: 3 Most Common Mistakes Employers do as they move to Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 Reporting

3. Payroll outsourcing services help to increase efficiency

By outsourcing payroll that can be easily completed by professional services firm, you and your team will benefit from having more time to focus on your area of expertise and zone of genius.

Once you have decided to engage a payroll outsourcing service, we suggest following these steps to ensure that this process runs as smoothly as possible:

1. Firstly, make sure you use a reputable Payroll Management company. Don’t be persuaded by price, rather have several criteria that you review before you decide on a payroll outsourcing service.

2. Use a Payroll Management company that will provide a level of service and resources to match your current needs, but also those that you may anticipate you will need in the future. Ask for references or check what their clients say via Google Reviews!

3. You will need to set up a process of how the Payroll Management will run, such as inducting new employees, what reporting you need and when and how your existing staff access and update their information.

Outsourcing payroll can be a huge relief, so do your homework, take the time to set up your processes and procedures and enjoy having this area of the business functioning smoothly.

Related: How to transition from In-House to Outsourced Accounting and Payroll?

Why Azure Group as your Outsourced Payroll Service Provider

Azure Group’s team of outsourced accountants have a wealth of experience in Payroll Management. Through taking a collaborative approach to teamwork and utilising the most up-to-date cloud accounting software, Azure Group strive to maximise Payroll Management efficiency for our clients.

Our team will keep you abreast of all constantly changing legislations and will use best practice accounting standards to integrate every aspect of the payroll process into your business. Get in touch to learn more.

Related: The Benefits of Outsourcing your Payroll and how to Choose the Right Accounting Provider?

Have you noticed our #FridayExpertTips... here's one that relates to #Payroll

“Running payroll can be complicated and time-consuming. There are a lot of legal requirements, which means there are serious risks to getting things wrong. Many business owners prefer to leave it to the experts and outsource their payroll.”


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About Author

Kelly Morgan
Kelly Morgan

Kelly Morgan has over 32 years’ experience as a Chartered Accountant and is the Managing Partner of Azure Group heading up the Business Accounting, Technology & International divisions. Kelly is passionate about working with business owners. By working closely with her clients, Kelly helps them to maximise the opportunities in their business and assist them to achieve their goals.

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