Developing your people pays off
I was perusing my company’s (Azure_Group) Twitter feed the other day and I came across a thought provoking Tweet:
The recent news that the Government is pushing the National Tax Summit to October and will not be covering key tax issues such as GST, the proposed carbon tax and the mining tax is worrying.
The 15th of March is the ‘Ides of March’, best known for being the date Julius Caesar was assassinated by a band of fellow senators as they feared his ambition would bring down the senate. Many of..
2011 has begun with the same uncertainty we saw in the last quarter of 2010. Market reports on business performance continue to contradict each other, the economy persists to operate at two distinct..
Reading the December/January issue of Dynamic Business I couldn’t help being drawn to the article on the New Year resolutions of the featured businesses.
When it comes to interest rates, small businesses have had a rough time lately. They’ve had to cope with tough lending conditions from the big banks and now another interest rate rise.
There has been much talk and speculation recently with the Australian dollar hitting parity twice with the US dollar in the last month alone (the last time parity occurred was in July 1982).
As someone who works with small and medium sized businesses I frequently get asked, “How are SMEs faring?” At the moment my answer would be they are operating amid a great deal of uncertainty...
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