Do these 50 things to become a better Entrepreneur


There is one thing that entrepreneurs want, and that is to be better. They are constantly striving for bigger and better. Never satisfied, they are always looking to achieve great things. But the one thing that will bring about the greatest shift for an entrepreneur is within. Working and investing on themselves is the best investment an Entrepreneur can make.

Here are our top 50 "things" that you can do to be on the top of your game.

1. Find a mentor. Listen to those more experienced than you.

2. Live your brand. Your brand values should be integrated into your daily life.

3. Find your passion. Don’t stick to just one. Have varied passions as this is the key to innovating and enabling success.

4. Start small. When you are trying something new start small. You can always scale up.

5. Talk to strangers. Make sure you take opportunities to meet strangers and talk to them. Never be afraid to have conversations as you never know where it could lead and how it could change your business.

6. Professional networking. Make time to do professional networking.

7. Adapt. Be able to roll with the punches and change plans on a whim.

8. Don’t waste time on small decisions. Focus on the big ones.

9. Accept challenges. Take risks and accept challenges, this is the stuff that gets the blood pumping.

10. Calm. Be a duck, calm on the surface and working madly under the water.

11. Read books. Successful CEO’s read on average 60 business books a year. But even reading fiction books can help give you a new perspective and new ideas.

12. Read the news. Understanding what is going on in the world and your industry will help keep you on top of emerging trends and opportunities.

13. Numbers. Look at things in terms of its objective value.

14. Know what your competitors are doing. Keep on eye on new products or services and changes to their business.

15. Eliminate distractions. Efficiency will increase dramatically if you can remove as many distractions as possible.

16. Partnerships. Finding mutually beneficial partnerships can be great for you personally and for your business.

17. Learn new technologies. Don’t let age be a barrier, make sure you are staying on top of this fast paced new technological world.

18. Attend industry conferences. Keep informed of the latest in your industry.

19. Feedback. Let people know how they are doing.

20. Receive feedback. Ask for feedback and accept it graciously.

21. SWOT. In everything that you do, look for the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

22. Instincts - trust them.

23. Try new routines. Try different ways to make you more productive and more efficient.

24. Reward others. Reward the efforts of those around you.

25. Automate. This is the age of automation - use it to your advantage.

26. Set new limitations and rules. Force yourself to try new things and challenge yourself.

27. Go the extra mile. Always aim to over achieve.

28. Be available. Make sure you are available to your team to ask questions, have conversations and to lead them.

29. Customer eyes. Stay focused on looking at how you and your business present through the customers eyes.

30. Improve everything. Go back and review processes, procedures, customer experiences, even the logo or your messaging. Always look at these things with a critical eye and improve constantly.

31. Help others learn. Don’t judge them when they make mistakes, help them learn from them.

32. Have a hobby. All work and no play is not good for anyone. You will perform better at work if you have somewhere to unwind, relax and enjoy life.

33. Education. Learn something new every day. Never stop learning.

34. Improve yourself. Make it a priority.

35. Try new things. Be open to new experiences and ideas.

36. No negativity. When you see poor attitudes or negativity nip it in the bud in either yourself or others.

37. Stress is contagious. Stay on top of the office vibes and help relieve the stress.

38. Patience. It is a virtue after all! Practice patience every day.

39. Stay frugal. Make sure that the money you spend adds value to you or your business before spending it.

40. Tough conversations. Don’t be afraid to have those tough conversations.

41. Atmosphere. No matter where you are make sure you are conscious of your atmosphere and ensuring that it is harmonious.

42. Stay humble. There is no room for ego.

43. Don’t be perfect. Focus on continuous improvement rather than perfection.

44. Volunteer. Giving back to the community can help you both personally and professionally.

45. Meditate. Reduces stress and allows you to think more clearly.

46. Sleep 8 hours. This will make you healthier both physically and mentally.

47. Eat well and drink lots of water. A good diet helps your mind function better.

48. Exercise. Healthy body, healthy mind.

49. Personal time. Take time out by scheduling and prioritising personal time. 

50. Games and puzzles. Improve your critical thinking and focus through game playing. Do a crossword or a jigsaw puzzle or even Sudoku on your phone.

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About Author

Azure Group
Azure Group

Azure Group is the leading Chartered Accounting, Business Advisory and Strategic Advisory firm supporting the growth & success of fast growing entrepreneurial businesses.

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