Released Australia 2030 Plan: Prosperity through Innovation


Australia may be small in population in comparison to other nations but we are innovative and creative and are real players in the technology space. So it is very exciting that the Australian Government and Innovation and Science Australia have recently launched Australia 2030 Plan: Prosperity through Innovation. This is a plan for Australia to thrive in the global innovation race.

Innovation and Science Australia (ISA) has devised a strategy that looks at 2030 and provides a plan to the Australian Government on how to ensure that we capture more of the benefits of innovation for Australians.

Five strategic imperatives 

The report is made up of 30 recommendations that are all framed in the context of five strategic imperatives. These are:

1. Education - innovation will mean that the working landscape will change by 2030 and ensuring that Australians have the skills to be able to adapt.

2. Industry - Stimulating high growth industries to ensure productivity and efficiency.

3. Government - ensure that the government acts as a catalyst and will be recognised as a global leader in innovation.

4. Research and Development - Improving the effectiveness of R&D to ensure that it can be translated into commercialisation of that research.

As tech industry professionals Azure Group are well versed in supporting business with their R&D plans and lodgements.  Get in touch if you need help here.

5. Culture and Ambition - Ensuring that Australia maintains a culture of innovation. This includes the aspiration to be the healthiest country on Earth.

The ISA’s vision is that Australia will be counted within the top tier of innovation nations. The objective is that through Australia being a world leader in innovation, science and research Australians will have strong economic growth, competitive industries, collaborative education institutions, productive and meaningful jobs and as a result a high quality of life.

View the Australia 2030: Prosperity through Innovation - Summary.


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About Author

Michael Derin
Michael Derin

Michael Derin, Azure Group's Founding Partner and Chairman has over 28 years’ experience as a qualified Chartered Accountant within the business and commercial sectors. Michael works across our Technology, Corporate Advisory and CFO operations, managing highly complex projects to success.

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