ATO benchmarking for cash
The cash economy has been a major focus of the ATO for years and has now been benchmarked to identify and deter activities in the cash economy.
The cash economy has been a major focus of the ATO for years and has now been benchmarked to identify and deter activities in the cash economy.
2011 has begun with the same uncertainty we saw in the last quarter of 2010. Market reports on business performance continue to contradict each other, the economy persists to operate at two distinct..
Reading the December/January issue of Dynamic Business I couldn’t help being drawn to the article on the New Year resolutions of the featured businesses.
When it comes to interest rates, small businesses have had a rough time lately. They’ve had to cope with tough lending conditions from the big banks and now another interest rate rise.
There has been much talk and speculation recently with the Australian dollar hitting parity twice with the US dollar in the last month alone (the last time parity occurred was in July 1982).
As someone who works with small and medium sized businesses I frequently get asked, “How are SMEs faring?” At the moment my answer would be they are operating amid a great deal of uncertainty...
The other day I was asked why some small businesses fail and others succeed and it got me thinking about the defining characteristics of Australian small businesses.
Attending the COSBOA National Small Business Summit earlier this month, I had the opportunity to hear both major political parties address small business owners and supporters.
Azure Group managing director, Michael Derin was invited to be a panelist at the recent National Small Business Summit held in Brisbane. Azure Group was well represented with Michael on a panel..
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