Workplace Relations and Superannuation Updates
With Royal Assent given on 4 December 2012 to the Fair Work Amendment Act 2012 , there are a number of important changes that have been introduced from 1 January 2013:
With Royal Assent given on 4 December 2012 to the Fair Work Amendment Act 2012 , there are a number of important changes that have been introduced from 1 January 2013:
2012 has been heralded as the year of recovery and Australia has been no different. There has been an air of significant improvement and stabilisation across the country and the overall perception is..
With the festive season fast approaching and staff Christmas parties being organised. It is now prudent to start thinking about the Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) consequences of providing entertainment..
The annual fiscal period for Fringe Benefits Tax (FBT) ends on the 31st March 2013 and is fast approaching. The due date for lodgement of the 2013 FBT returns is the 28th May 2013. Employers have..
The Federal Government’s 2011 Budget which was handed down in May 2011, included proposed amendments to the powers of the Australian Taxation Office (“ATO”) in regard to their ability to hold..
Having a great team is an undeniable asset, says Michael Derin, but are you making the most of their great ideas?
At the suggestion of speaking in public, most small business owners would choke on their cornflakes. But the good news is there is an ever-growing segment of the Australian marketplace that are..
Nearly all high achievers and successful leaders have one thing in common, they all use goal-setting to help them get ahead.
Video conferencing and virtual meetings used to be the domain of large businesses. Carrying a hefty price tag and the need to complex equipment, it has been out of reach for many small businesses.
The Government’s recent mini budget, released in late November, indicated the ATO is expected to raise a further $436 million over the next four..
21 Nov
Often state or nationwide wage audit campaigns are undertaken to assess whether business entities that pay and declare wages are paying the appropriate premiums and adhering to the regulated Workers’..
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